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About the Establishment of Montrose Precious Metals…


1. Why did you choose downtown Montrose for your business?

I am an active member of this community where I reside. No one knew there was a jeweler in town primarily because I have wholesaled all of my career. Because there are no other jewelry stores in town it only made sense to open one whereas I could offer my services to the community.

2. What made you think this was the right time to open a business?

I have to laugh. I didn't know if it was the right time to open a business. What I did know was that my business was suffering greatly as the country shut down for such a length of time. Not just my businesses, everyone's businesses. And if it was tough for businesses it was also tough for individuals who have been laid off and for all of the other reasons for not being able to work. I asked myself how I could help. So when I opened my sub-business, as Montrose Precious Metals, my thought was that I might be able to put money into the hands of folks who really needed the cash to get over the next hump.

I invested my savings (I didn’t qualify for Federal funding) into an account for the purpose and prayed for this to work. Although this component of my business is not so profitable, it brought people in to learn more about what I can offer in other services. Truly a win-win. 

3. What products and/or services do you offer that make your business unique?

First is my 45 years of experience and honed skills. I have been designing and manufacturing fine jewelry (my own cohesive collections of mens' and womens' jewelry) (www.paulrobilotti.com) all of my adult life under my keepsake name Paul Robilotti. As such, I design, build the prototypes and make each piece myself. But I also offer custom orders, engagement rings and any kind of expert repairs. 

4. What is your sense of the current business climate in downtown Montrose and how would you like to help it grow?

It’s a small town with wonderful people. The size of the population is a limiting factor to success. Amazon and the like make it too simple for anyone to shop online. I’m not proud to say that I sometimes do also, but I shop locally for anything that is available nearby first, even if it costs a bit more. I support the community that supports me. 

Rather than offering incentives to big businesses and giving away tax revenue, why not support mom and pop operations? After all, we are the backbone and largest employer. 

Franchises? We've all seen the Vestal parkway. Is that what we want for our small town? 

Cudos to Church Street Marketplace and Sherry form T & S Tax Service for branching out and drawing more interest to town. Let’s advertise what we have to offer so that people outside the area come to visit and spend some money around town. 

How about eliminating water truck traffic on Saturdays? 

Let potential start-ups know that the University of Scranton’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is here to assist. I help out where I can w/ non-profits and do my thing at my shop. 

Recently I opened a jewelry gallery featuring my own collections and one of a kind museum pieces, plus well priced estate items.

5. What are your summer business hours?

I have been experimenting a little with my hours at the store front.
Currently, I am at the store on Church St. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10am-5pm, and some third Fridays to coincide with "Third Fridays In Montrose." I have decided to close most Saturdays for the time being, but I am available by appointment virtually any day and time.